Because of Picture Day, we will forego our quick write at the beginning of class. 
Second Hour:  9:35
Third Hour:  10:24
Fourth Hour: 11:45

Please listen carefully to Miss Lamb's announcements and then begin work on your tone words project or another assignment in this class.

Today is a very somber day in history.  What (if anything) do you remember from this day?  What will you do to honor the memories of the victims of the 9/11/2001 attacks?  Free write for a few minutes allowing yourself to process the significance of this day.
Last Thursday was your first experience with content from the AP Exam.  What were your first impressions?  Keeping in mind that we have still have 8 months to prepare, what do you think your strengths and weaknesses will be? 
Good morning and happy Friday!

Writing on Friday should be slighlty more enjoyable and less academic.  Therefore, today we will be free-writing over your pet peeves.  Use your best descriptive writing to explain your pet peeve.
Quick Write:  Spend the first five minutes of class writing anything you know or remember about Anglo-Saxons, Beowulf, or epics.  Ready...set...go!
Our last topic of discussion was the hero's journey as we applied it to "Araby" by James Joyce.  Think back to other stories or books you have read or movies you have seen.  Where else have you noticed this archetype?  How is it manifested in each of these situations?
Today's warm-up should be a little bit fun!  You've survived your first full week of your senior year, so let's lighten up the mood.  :-)  Stereotypically, teachers ask you to write about what you did over summer vacation at some point during the first few days of school.  We're going to play off that--today, you will spend your warm-up time (let's try 7 minutes this time!) writing about the things you DISLIKED about summer vacation.  What went wrong?  What did you hope to do but didn't?  We are not trying to dwell on the negative, but hopefully to make light of those situations now that we have gone through them. 

REMEMBER:  During free writing time, your pen or pencil should be moving the ENTIRE time.  If you are stumped, write the same thing you just wrote until you come up with something to say.
Good morning!

Today's discussion is going to center around the intertextuality of the two short stories we read ("The Yellow Wallpaper" and "The Story of an Hour").  Looking back on your own careers as readers, where else have you seen archetypes, intertextuality and the idea that there is only one story come into play?  What works (books, short stories, plays, films) come to mind when we talk about these subjects?  Do you remember an "Aha" moment when you realized everything is connected?  Describe your previous experiences with intertextuality.
Good morning!  Today we will forego our Warm-Up because as soon as Miss Lamb takes attendance, we will head to the gym for Senior Orientation.  You can leave your belongings in the classroom, as we will be returning before the end of the hour.   
In keeping with the spirit of Short Story Boot Camp, today's Warm-Up will focus on irony.  In Chapter 26 of How to Read Literature Like a Professor, Thomas Foster alludes to the fact that there are different types of irony.  Answer the following questions about the three types and Foster's opinion.

1.  What is verbal irony?
2.  What is dramatic irony?
3.  What is situational irony?
4.  Why do you think that Foster chooses not to distinguish between the three types?  What is the purpose of this ambiguity?

Verbal Irony:  when a speaker's literal words (and their surface meaning) are at odds with his or her actual meaning (i.e. sarcasm)
Dramatic Irony:  when a character naively speaks what he/she believes to be the truth, and/or act on what he/she believes to be the truth, while the audience knows that he/she has got it all wrong
Situational Irony:  a difference between the expection of what is going to happen and the acutal events, or a difference between a character's intention and the actual results

Other types of irony: 
Cosmic Irony:  divine forces conspire against human beings to destroy them
Structural Irony:  the structure of the work is ironic--i.e. when the first person narrator is made to say things against his or her true beliefs