Don't forget:  Miss Lamb will be checking your bellwork tomorrow during your multiple choice practice. You will receive instructions on how to format your work as your warm-up for tomorrow.  Also, tomorrow is the VERY LAST DAY Miss Lamb will take any missing or late assignments.  Make sure you turn everything into the basket!

For today's warm-up:  How is Hamlet like a typical teenager? 
Based on our discussion yesterday, why did Shakespeare choose to juxtapose the dark setting of the first scene of Act I to the festive setting of the second scene?  USE TEXTUAL SUPPORT in your response.
This picture is from StoryPeople and illustrates that perception is everything. Write about a time in your life where your perception influenced the outcome of a situation, whether positive or negative. What did you learn from this experience and has it influenced future situations? (Your responses should be AT LEAST a paragraph in length.)
Copy the quote and then answer the questions that follow:

"Don't undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others.  It is because we are different that each of us is special." -Brian Dyson

How are you different?  How are you going to use your differences to make a positive impact on somebody's life today?

Miss Lamb is not here today, therefore we will not have bellwork.
Who was Shakespeare?  Write down everything you know!
Today we will forego our warm up so that you can get ready for your Canterbury Tales presentations.  Those of you who are not preparing today may read your research paper book, begin reading Hamlet (which we will start tomorrow), or prepare your bellwork--Miss Lamb will check for bellwork on October 12!
Today we will forego our warm up so that you can get ready for your Canterbury Tales presentations.  Those of you who are not preparing today may work on your presentation for tomorrow, read your research paper book, or prepare you bellwork--Miss Lamb will check for bellwork on October 12!
Using your Barron's reading assignment, what are some multiple choice testing strategies?  Which ones do you use that work best for you?  Why?