Part One:
Vocabulary Practice

OBJECTIVE:  Review vocabulary roots and words for our quiz on THURSDAY.

CCSS:  Language 4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and
phrases by using context clues and analyze meaningful word parts.

Part Two:
Review the characteristics of memoirs and autobiographies.

OBJECTIVE:  Differentiate between memoirs and autobiographies.

CCSS: RI11-12.y:  Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in different media or formats in order to address a question or solve a problem.

Part Three:
Watch Chimamanda Adichie's TED Talk "The Danger of a Single Story."  As you watch and listen, mark any noteworthy quotes on the transcript of the talk.

Section 1: Beginning to 7:35
1. How is your perception influenced by the world around you? (i.e. What stories are you told in books, movies, pictures, music, the news, or by friends and family?)
2. Chimamanda Adichie speaks of how "impressionable and vulnerable we are in the face of a story, particularly as children." What stories did you grow up reading and listening to? Could you identify with the characters in these stories? Why? Why not? Did these storied influence your perception of the world?
3. Consider how "our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories." What do you think this mean?

Section 2: 7:36 to End
1. What role does the media play in perpetuating or challenging stereotypes?
2. How do family background, religion, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, nationality, age, socio-economic status, and other group and cultural influences contribute to the development of one’s perceptions?
3. What exactly is a "single story" and what does it mean?

4. How does this talk relate to our discussions and studies of Native American literature?

OBJECTIVE:  Relate the idea of a single story to Native American literature and stereotypes.

CCSS:  SL.11-12.3:  Evaluate a speaker's point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence and rhetoric.

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