Using the following list of themes and your research project book to spend a few minutes doing a free association with you theme and any other connections you make.  Your connections can be related to literature or
Themes to Consider:
Aging                    Alienation                Ambition            Appearance and Reality            Apprenticeship
Awakenings        Battle of the Sexes    Beauty            Betrayal                                        Breaking Barriers    
Community        Courage                    Crime and Punishment        Crisis of Faith            Desire of Immortality
Duty (Filial Piety)    Ecstatic Experience (religious/spiritual/physical)    Fall from Innocence
Family: Structures, Struggles                Father and Son/Daughter        Fear                        Freedom
Happiness        Jealousy                    Loneliness            Love            Loyalty                    Nature of Creativity
Nature of Evil    Perseverance            Prejudice            Romantic Love       Search for God
Search for Knowledge                    Strength of the Human Spirit        Suffering            Truth
Utopia and Anti-utopias                Visions of War

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